Growing up, Marge didn’t always love every part of her body—but she felt confident about her legs. Her appreciation for their power grew when she became a competitive skier, but a series of related injuries made her second-guess her own strength.

She fell back in love with her legs once she realized how many amazing things they allowed her to do, so she started wearing shorts to celebrate her favorite body part—scars and all.

I grew up wearing shorts. And as a skier, having really strong legs was something I was proud of.

After injuring myself a few times, the power I held in my legs was gone. I had to rediscover who I was.

My scars are like battle wounds. They bring me back to a time when I felt super powerful.

Wearing shorts reminds me that no matter what life throws at me, I can still rise up and move forward.

Looking for plus-size shorts to wear this summer? Find the right pair for you and request them in your next Dia Style Box!