April is officially Move More Month–don’t worry if you just found out, it was news to us too! But what more worthy of an occasion to celebrate the beautiful bodies that make up our community. Moving our bodies is a privilege and it is up to every individual to decide how to move their body in a way that makes them feel good. And it doesn’t hurt to do it fabulous activewear that looks good too! So if you are looking for fresh inspiration and new ways to get out there and get moving, keep reading. Our community members are sharing everything about how their favorite activities help them live richer lives. We’re loving the bold moves!

I began moving my body joyfully in 2020 after the pandemic had settled in. I was going stir crazy in my house and my mental health was declining. I decided to head out into the woods and take a walk to clear my head, like I used to do as a little girl. I felt everything lift. My muscles moving felt so satisfying. My mood elevated. I smiled without even thinking about it. I think hiking has healed me, physically and emotionally.
IG: @_whatwouldellewoodsdo_

My mental health inspires me to move my body. I often find myself in need of a break from work to maintain my sanity in my fast-paced lifestyle. I also have two dogs (pugs) that I love dearly, and keeping them healthy inspires me to move more as well.
My favorite physical activity is a 30 minute daily walk. I enjoy walking because I feel like it’s a smooth pace to physically workout in.

Movement is a space for me to reboot and care for myself so that I can care for the people who mean the most to me. My daughters are beautiful inside and out, but I want to set an example for taking care of your body and loving yourself at every size. I want them to grow up feeling strong and confident. I want my son to grow up knowing and respecting women for what they’re worth and capable of.

I am a Zumba instructor and what I love most about it is that it’s adaptable for all body types, ages and abilities. Staying mobile and flexible also helps with injury prevention and as I age that is important to me. I love to move and Zumba involves, dance, strength, stretching and most of all its so much fun! The music and the movement lifts my spirits every time.

Walking, running, and seasonal swimming are my favorite ways to move my body. When I choose to walk, I enjoy the easygoing pace and taking in my surroundings—it helps me be and feel more present.
Running makes me feel empowered. There was a time where I was afraid to go out in a sports bra & shorts—that is no longer the case.
In the summer, I love swimming laps. There’s something about the weightlessness of water that feels a bit magical and tearing through the water makes me feel strong.
Share what inspires you to move more with us on IG @diaandco.