Gone are the days that require heavy coats, scarves, and boots. While it’s not quite time to rock a tank top and sandals just yet, it is time to transition your wardrobe and put those bulky layers away in exchange for lighter layers. Warmer days and chilly evenings are ahead, so make sure you’re prepared to make the most out of your spring with the layers to shed when the sun’s high in the sky and put back on as the evenings grow cold.

How are you transitioning your wardrobe? Whether you’re doing a massive closet clean-out or are getting ready to store the heavy coats you can no longer bear seeing in your wardrobe, we want to hear about it. Show us your shoulder season style by snapping photos of your outfit and posting with #mydiastyle. See any transitional style pieces you’d like in your closet? Be sure to ask your Dia Stylist for a Dia Box full of layers.